Sunday, 14 April 2013


Hi All,

It's almost been a month since my last post! But that's not to say I haven't done anything model related, au contraire! this past month has seen a lot of new 'customer's as well as my regulars contacting me and sending me locos and rolling stock to me to complete some work on, everything from super-detailing and repaints into modern era liveries to weathering some early generation diesels and kit builds of all ages.

Whilst doing the more modern era work in the past little while I was compelled to change the era in which I am modelling. It is always exciting and interesting to try a new era (as I did when I changed from early NSW steam to SRA candy era) and thus far the change to the post yr 2000ish has proved as much, which brings me to the photos of this post.

In the past week, during my own modelling time I have whipped up a couple of modern repaints for myself

I chose 8120 as the number for my re-birthed Powerline 81 as it is one of the 3 PacNat 81,s that don't have the big white side numbers as the rest of the class has, they call it the 'Intermodal Livery' which is basically the same as their Rural and Bulk liveried 81's with the omission of the white side numbers and omission of the blue extending over the cab roofs and the addition blue numbers on the yellow cab sides under the windows.

And another little modern project is a Powerline 48, which started as life as Mk1 4806, so all additional detail parts had to be added to make it into a Mk4, this loco will be numbered 48130. Updates to come.

Please let me know your thoughts!




  1. Think I have used this term before - prolific !

    Whilst I know little of the modern era I can appreciate the amount of work that went into 8120.

    An era change is a big thing, you seem to have taken it in your stride. Look forward to updates.


  2. Hi Gary,

    Thanks for the kind words.

    An era change is a scary thing. I've done it twice now but one advantage is that I havent done much work on my layout which in turn means at this stage it can be designed to any NSW era. Plus I've been very busy with 'customers' jobs, which is great, and I suppose some of the reason I have changed era as I have been doing some work on the more modern stuff. I intend to one day make what I do privately into a business format and working on a range of models from a range of era's expands my skills and knowledge which is a very good thing if I want to hit a wider range of the market. But knowing me, ill see or do work on a steamer soon and want to change back to pre 70's gear, and in the end I may just choose to run a few train sets from each decade ha ha!(when I can afford to anyway!)



    1. It would b nice, if scenery (structures) allowed, to wipe the layout clean of rolling stock and jump to another era. But fortunately it doesn't - imagine the damage to the bank account ! That's why I chose the ever popular transition era, a little of both worlds.
